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Gauntlet 2023 Individual Event

Friday May 12th 2013

This competition will include one Gauntlet style workout. Athletes will progress through all three parts of this this workout with prescribed rest in between.

Individual Gauntlet- Part 1
All Divisions

2 rounds (1:30 each round)

Echo Bike calories: 

Dragon: 12 calories Men / 10 calories Ladies

Maverick, Griffin, Phoenix: 10 calories Men / 8 calories Ladies 

Max rep burpees-to-target:

Dragon: Burpee to a target at 10” Men / 6” Ladies

Maverick, Griffin, Phoenix: Burpee target - just above your reach. Target heights will be measured onsite.

This workout begins with the athlete seated on their assigned echo bike.

After the call of “3, 2, 1 … go,”  athletes will have 90 seconds to complete their assigned amount of calories. In the remaining time they will complete as many burpees to their assigned target as possible.  

Athletes will rest for 1 minute

The athletes repeat this for round 2

Please note:

Round 1: Athletes will jump with their right shoulder closest to the target
Round 2: Athletes will jump with their left shoulder closest to the target

Athletes will rest two minutes before Part 2

All Divisions  Movement Standards

Echo Bike

The workout begins with the athlete seated on their assigned echo bike. Only the judge can adjust the screen settings on the monitor.

Hands and feet must stay in contact with the echo bike until the required calories have been met. Athletes will transition immediately to the burpee-to-target station.

Max rep burpees-to-target:

The movement begins with the athlete standing laterally to their target on the rig. Athletes may jump OR step back in the burpee position and then lower chest and thighs to the ground. Athletes may jump up or step up from the burpee position. At the top of the burpee the athlete will then jump up and reach their designated target. Athletes are only required to touch the target with ONE hand. Alternating sides as described in the workout notes. Athletes are not required to reach full extension or stand tall at the top of the burpee. Rep is credited when the athlete touches their target.

Individual Gauntlet- Part 2
All Divisions

4 Minute Time Cap

40 Box Jump Overs

40 Sumo Deadlift High Pull

Box Jump Overs:

Dragon: Jump over is required. 24 inch box for men / 20 inch box for the ladies

All other divisions: Jump overs or step overs are allowed. 20 inch box 

40 Sumo Deadlift High Pull:

Dragon: Barbell 115# men / 85# ladies

All other divisions: Kettlebell 53# men / 35# ladies 

Partition the reps as desired

This workout begins with the athlete positioned at their assigned station.

After the call of “3, 2, 1 … go,”  athletes will have four minutes to complete 40 box overs and 40 sumo deadlift high pulls. Athletes may partition the work as desired.

Score 2: Time to complete (faster is better)

If the workout is not completed under the time cap score will be 4 mins plus 1 second for every rep NOT completed. 

Athletes will rest two minutes before Part 3

Dragon Division Movement Standards

box jump. PNG.PNG

Box Jump Overs

Athletes will begin this movement facing their box. A two-foot takeoff is always required. Once both feet have made contact with the top of the box the athlete may jump or step down.  Athletes are not required to stand tall (fully extended) on the top of the box. Athletes may face the box or jump laterally. 

Athletes may not angle the box to jump corner to corner. Only the athlete’s feet may touch the box.

The rep is credited when both feet have touched the ground on the opposite side of the box.

Sumo Deadlift High Pull Barbell

The movement begins with the athlete standing behind their assigned barbell. Feet will be positioned outside of shoulder width with toes pointed out. Athletes will grab the bar using a narrow grip inside of their shins. Athletes will pull their barbell reaching full hip and knee extension. They will complete the “high pull” by raising their bar to just below the chin. 
The rep is credited to the athlete once they have reached full extension and the “high pull” has been completed.


Maverick, Phoenix, Griffin Division 
Movement Standards

step over.PNG

Box Step Overs

Athletes will begin this movement facing their box. Athletes will step onto their box. Once both feet have made contact with the top of the box the athlete may jump or step down.  Athletes are not required to stand tall (fully extended) on the top of the box. Athletes may face the box or step laterally. 

Athletes may not angle the box to step corner to corner. Only the athlete’s feet may touch the box.

The rep is credited when both feet have touched the ground on the opposite side of the box.

*Jump overs are also permitted. Please see Dragon Division standards.

Sumo Deadlift High Pull Kettlebell

The movement begins with the athlete standing behind their assigned kettlebell. Feet will be positioned outside of shoulder width with toes pointed out. Athletes will grab the kettlebell using a narrow grip inside of their shins.

Athletes will pull their kettlebell reaching full hip and knee extension. They will complete the “high pull” by raising their kettlebell to just below the chin. 

The rep is credited to the athlete once they have reached full extension and the “high pull” has been completed.


Individual Gauntlet- Part 3
Dragon Division

5 minute time cap

Establish a 3 rep shoulder to overhead max

AMRAP -Sandbag Squats 100# Men / 75# Ladies


This workout begins with the athlete positioned at their assigned station.

After the call of “3, 2, 1 … go,”  athletes will have 5 minutes to establish a max 3 rep shoulder to overhead lift and complete as many sandbag squats as possible. Athletes may partition the workout as they choose. Squats can be performed throughout the 5 minute time period.

Score 3: Shoulder to overhead load (heavier is better)

Score 4: Number of reps sandbag squat

Individual Gauntlet- Part 3
Maverick Division

5 minute time cap

40 shoulder to overhead 95# Men / 65# Ladies 

AMRAP - Sandbag over shoulder 75# Men / 50# Ladies 


This workout begins with the athlete positioned at their assigned station.

After the call of “3, 2, 1 … go,”  athletes will have 5 minutes to complete 40 shoulder to overhead lifts. In the remaining time the athlete will complete a sandbag over the shoulder AMRAP.

Score 3: Time to complete 40 shoulder to overhead lifts

Score 4: Number of sandbag over shoulder reps  completed

Individual Gauntlet- Part 3
Phoenix and Griffin Division

5 minute time cap

30 shoulder to overhead 75# Men / 55# Ladies 

AMRAP - Sandbag over shoulder 75# Men / 50# Ladies 


This workout begins with the athlete positioned at their assigned station.

After the call of “3, 2, 1 … go,”  athletes will have five minutes to complete 30 shoulder to overhead lifts. In the remaining time the athlete will complete a sandbag over the shoulder AMRAP.

Score 3: Time to complete 30 shoulder to overhead lifts

Score 4: Number of sandbag over the shoulder reps completed

All Divisions
Movement Standards

​Shoulder to Overhead

Athletes will move the bar from the shoulder to overhead. A press, push jerk, or split jerk may be used. The rep is credited to the athlete when the elbows, shoulders, hips and knees are fully extended and feet are in line.

Sandbag Squats

The athlete will transition the bag to their preferred “racked” position. Sandbag must be held above the midline of the body. Shoulder, back, overhead, or bear hold positions are allowed.

Holding the sandbag the athlete will begin the movement with hips and knees fully extended. They will pass through a full squat with hip crease below the knee and stand back up into a fully extended position.

Sandbag over the shoulder

The athlete will begin the movement with the sandbag at their feet. They will then transition the sandbag from the ground and up and over their shoulder.

Athletes may roll the bag up and over. 

The bag must clearly move over the shoulder to complete the rep

Rep is credited to the athlete when the bag has successfully moved over the athlete's shoulder 

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